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Official Journal of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)

Fig. 5 | Geoscience Letters

Fig. 5

From: Evaluating precipitation prediction skill for the pre- and postrainy seasons in South China in ECMWF subseasonal forecasts

Fig. 5

The correlation between the ERA-Interim and ECMWF-predicted 500 hPa height anomaly fields a. Regression of the 500 hPa height anomaly field b, 850 hPa wind anomaly field c and 200 hPa wind anomaly field d with the precipitation index during the prerainy season for the ERA-Interim product. e, f and g are the same as b, c and d but for the ECMWF predictions. The blocking high-pressure index (BHP) is the geopotential height difference between two latitudes in the longitudinal range (110°–140°E, horizontal black lines in b, e; the 850 hPa wind index (U850) is the average zonal wind anomaly within the area (15°–20°N, 100°–110°E, black rectangles in c, f); and the 200 hPa wind index (U200) is the average zonal wind anomaly in the area (22.5°–30°N, 110°–120°E, black rectangles in d, g). The circulation variables in e, f and g are the ensemble means of the ECMWF forecasts with lead times of 0, 3, and 7 days from May 21 to June 20. The dots in b and e and the red shading in c, d, f and g represent areas significant at the 95% confidence level

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