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Official Journal of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)

Fig. 4 | Geoscience Letters

Fig. 4

From: Evaluation of the seasonal to decadal variability in dynamic sea level simulations from CMIP5 to CMIP6

Fig. 4

The intermodel scatterplot between the RMSE and the PCC of a the climatology, c the seasonal, e the interannual, and g the decadal variability magnitude from DSL in the CMIP5 ensemble. b, d, f, h are the same as a, c, e, g but for the CMIP6 ensemble. The number for each model can find in Table S1 and S2. The circle’s sizes and colors denote each model's horizontal resolution, the unit of the colorbar is degree*degree. The higher the horizontal resolution, the smaller the circle. The red lines are linear regression between the RMSE and the PCC, and pink shadings denote the 95% confidence range. The correlation coefficients between the two metrics are also listed at the top right of the panel. The correlations with an asterisk are significant at the 95% confidence level. Note that model inmcm4 is not included in a

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