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Official Journal of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)

Fig. 6 | Geoscience Letters

Fig. 6

From: Externally forced symmetric warming in the Arctic and Antarctic during the second half of the twentieth century

Fig. 6

Linear regression of a OD-induced TOA heat flux (\(F^{\prime}_{{{\text{TOA}}}}\)) and its components of b shortwave (\(F^{\prime}_{{{\text{SW}}}}\)) and (c) longwave (\(F^{\prime}_{{{\text{LW}}}}\)) onto atmospheric energy convergence (\(\nabla \cdot F^{\prime}\)) in the Antarctic (60°–90° S) during 1955–2000. Lines are a least-squares linear fit to the data, r is the correlation coefficient, and all of the flux variables are filtered with a 12-month running mean. d Zonal mean wind climatology from the historical simulation (contours) and its change due to OD (color) in the Southern Hemisphere

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